Thursday, September 16, 2010

Evil mom in me strikes

Once in a while we have these ups and downs in our kid's eating behavior. That is when I have to really really come up with a new dish. Believe me, it is quite a challenge! I'm sure all the moms with a 2+ age group at home will empathize with me. Moms always wish for their infants to grow faster so they could fed all the external delicacies of the world. It always remains a wish if the child is not a great eater. It is times like these your child went back to those infant days, where, all it ate/drank was mother's milk and would just quietly go back to sleep with that satisfied look, smile and tummy!

Here's  something that became a huge hit last week at home. Mint + Carrot Chapaties or Parathas, how ever you want to christen it. We named it colorful Parathas. While you prepare the dough,
-> to the flour (2 cups),
-> add a whole big carrot in grated form,
-> chop a cup of mint leaves or spinach or Methi (Fenugreek) leaves or any greens that you want your child to eat, but doesn't eat otherwise ;-)
-> a pinch of salt

Now, mix all and make the dough. When you actually start making the breads, spread it out evenly, apply a thin layer of ghee (melted butter), this adds to the softness if you plan to send it as a snack packed in your kid's bag. Fold it from all sides and again press/ spread it out. If using a chapathi maker, it does both the pressing and cooking job. If doing it manually, heat the frying and make sure the paratha well cooked in both sides.

If eating immediately, it tastes great with butter. If packing as a nutritious snack, apply some ketchup & roll-it-up.

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